/ Psychology Department

Off-Campus Study

Studying in another part of the world or country can be a valuable part of your academic journey and an instrumental experience in further studying human behavior and communication within different cultural contexts.

Psychology off-campus study pictureThe psychology faculty encourage students to learn through off-campus programs. The best time to be off-campus depends on a combination of your personal and professional interests. Here are some general guidelines to discuss with your advisor in advance:

  • We advise taking Introduction to Psychology, Statistics and Psychology Research Methods before you study off campus.
  • Ahead of time, consider which specific courses you hope may count for psychology major or minor requirements. Email your advisor and the department chair to request a review of these courses (with website links) to determine if they meet the department requirements and fit well for you in comparison to your Degree Works evaluation and goals. 
  • Sometimes, off-campus psychology courses work as psychology elective credits or survey, seminar or global learning perspective-taking courses. Be sure to cross check your courses with your advisor and department chair ahead of your enrollment. As soon as you return, finalize the steps to have those courses and credits counted on your transcript; this involves requesting the department chair's approval and signature, and submitting the form to the registrar.

鈥淪tudying abroad in South Africa allowed me to experience the diversity I was searching for in the field of psychology. I was able to gain a new, eye-opening perspective of intersectionality by learning from a black, female professor who was affected by the apartheid.鈥

鈥 Lisa Rosema 鈥17 University of Cape Town

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