/ Awakening

Donors and Partners

We desire for Awakening to be part of God’s plan to turn the tide and speak truth to this generation, equipping them to face the secular world head-on and to inspire them to a call to ministry using their God-given gifts in the church.

Four female awakening students smiling

Donate to Awakening

The importance of your gift is changing a life, directing a career to ministry in the church, changing the tide from disengagement in the church to leadership in it.

The challenge we embrace is engaging this generation like never before — by instilling in them both a knowledge of and a love for God and His word, and spending time listening to Him on a daily basis. A true Awakening.

Through your donation you are making an impact on these young and formative lives. God only knows the souls that will be touched this year because of you.

God bless you for partnering with us as we seek to inspire this emerging generation of leaders to spread the gospel and disciple believers.

Annual Gifts to Awakening

Presenting Sponsor

Visionary Sponsors
(Gifts of $10,000 or more)

Champions of Awakening
(Gifts from $2,500–5,000)

  • Roger and Jackie Blauwkamp
  • Stan and Norma Sterk
  • Brad and Diane Zeeff
  • Anonymous

Supporters of Awakening
(Gifts from $1,000–2,500)

  • Alex Cross
  • Bethany Dame
  • Jim and Nancy De Boer
  • Joel and Anna Johnson
  • Cal and Vonnie Langejans
  • Nick and Maria Nykerk
  • Steve and Jackie Reimink
  • Jack and Cassie Swierenga
  • Joel and Naomi Vogelzang
  • Anonymous
  • Beverly Geers
  • James and Nancy Van Heest




Friends of Awakening
(Gifts up to $1,000)

  • Mark and Dawn De Witt
  • Josh Banner
  • Bruce Benedict
  • Bethany Dame (student)
  • Alex Cross (student)
  • Kent Colbrunn (student)
  • Bethany Colbrunn (student)
  • Marlies Otteman (student)
  • Ellie Hazard (student)
  • Gina Randklev
  • Joe and Chanda Slenk
  • Domenic Tassoni
  • Jack and Mary Siebers
  • Cheryl Wyatt
  • Jim and Martie Bultman
  • Robert and Cindy Dame
  • Jerry Shoup
  • Nicki Flinn
  • Todd and Karen Kamphuis
  • Les Lanser
  • Dave and Sally Tapley
  • Steve and Maria Darrow
  • Don and Becca Tellinghuisen
  • Ann Henriksen
  • Kurtis Van Koevering
  • Brian Knapp
  • Andrew and Sabina Otteman
  • Liz and Syd Doyle
  • Vicki Lynn Holmes
  • Kyle and Ashley Waterstone
  • Jessica and Jonathan Reece
  • Brian and Marge De Young
  • Al and Marsha McGeehan
  • Robert and Connie Gorsline
  • Kathleen LaCour
  • Jim and Marj Newhouse
  • Scott and Cyndy Van Oosterndorp
  • John and Marilyn Bright
  • Don Wickstra
  • John and Jackie Kleinheksel
  • Jamie Greene
  • Don & Rebecca Tellinghuisen
  • Cadence Tennent
  • Ruth Carlson
  • Grace Bouwman
  • Jim & Cheryl Buist
  • Steve and Maria Darrow
  • Cheri Younce
  • Rev. Marcia and Jonathan Pratt

Ministry Partners