/ Registrar's Office

Advanced Placement (AP)

See how your AP scores translate to Hope credit.

We receive AP scores from College Board around the beginning of July. If you indicated you wanted your score sent to Hope when you took the test, College Board will send it to us automatically. If you did not, you will need to request it to be sent to us from .

When we receive the scores, the corresponding credit will be placed on your record.

You can earn a maximum of 32 credits via AP, IB and CLEP.

Below is a list of AP exams and how the scores translate to Hope credit.


ap exam score course credit credit hours ANCHOR PLAN ATTRIBUTE
ART AND DESIGN: 2D 4–5 No credit automatically*    
ART AND DESIGN: 3D 4–5 No credit automatically*    
ART AND DESIGN: DRAWING 4–5 No credit automatically*    
ART HISTORY 4–5 Art 111 3 Human Creative Perspectives (HCP)
MUSIC THEORY 4–5 No credit automatically**    

*See Art & Art History Department Chairperson; credit may be granted after portfolio review.

**See Music Department Chairperson; credit may be granted after portfolio review.


Capstone Diploma Program

ap exam score course credit credit hours ANCHOR PLAN ATTRIBUTE
Research 4–5 Gen 0100 3  
Seminar 4–5 Gen 0100 3  



ap exam score course credit credit hours ANCHOR PLAN ATTRIBUTE
english Language & composition 4–5 Engl 113* 3 Expository Writing (EW)
english literature & composition 4–5 Engl 113* 3 Expository Writing (EW)

*You cannot receive credit for more than one English exam.


History and Social Sciences

ap exam score course credit credit hours ANCHOR PLAN ATTRIBUTE
African American STudies 4–5 Gen 0100 3  
Comparative Government and politics 4–5 Pol 151 3 Social Sciences (SS)
European history 4–5 Hist 131 3 Historical Perspectives (HST)
Human Geography 4–5 Ges 0100 3 Mathematics or Natural Science (MNS)
Macroeconomics 4–5 Econ 211 3 Social Sciences (SS)
Microeconomics 4–5 Econ 212 3  
Psychology 4–5 Psy 100 3 Social Sciences (SS)
United States government and politics 4–5 Pol 100 3 Social Sciences (SS)
United States history 4–5 Hist 161 3 Historical Perspectives (HST)
World History: Modern 4–5 Hist 121 3 Historical Perspectives (HST)


Math and Computer Science

ap exam score course credit credit hours ANCHOR PLAN ATTRIBUTE
Calculus AB 3 No credit automatically*    
Calculus AB 4–5 Math 131 4 Mathematics (MA)
Calculus BC 1–3 No credit automatically**    
Calculus BC 4–5 Math 131 and Math 132 8 Mathematics (MA)
Computer Science A 4–5 Csci 125 4 Natural Science with Lab (NSL)
Computer Science Principles 4–5 Csci 112 3 Mathematics or Natural Science (MNS)
Precalculus 4–5 Math 123 3 Mathematics (MA)
Statistics 4–5 Math 115 3 Mathematics (MA)

*You may enroll in Math 131 or Math 132. If you go straight into Math 132 and earn at least a B grade, you will also receive credit for Math 131 (4 credits).

**Use the AB subscore grade provided by AP and follow the AB policy above for credit and placement.



ap exam score course credit credit hours ANCHOR PLAN ATTRIBUTE
BIOLOGY 4–5 Biol 106/108 4 Natural Science with Lab (NSL)
Chemistry 4–5 Chem 125/127 and Chem 126/128 8 Natural Science with Lab (NSL)
Chemistry 3 Chem 101/101L 4 Natural Science with Lab (NSL)
Environmental Science 4–5 Ges 130/130L 4 Natural Science with Lab (NSL)
Physics 1: Algebra-based 4–5 Phys 105* 3 Math or Natural Science (MNS)
Physics 2: Algebra-based 4–5 Phys 106* 3 Math or Natural Science (MNS)
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism 4–5 Phys 122* 3 Math or Natural Science (MNS)
Physics C: Mechanics 4–5 Phys 121* 3 Math or Natural Science (MNS)

*See Physics Department Chairperson; associated lab credit may be granted after lab notebook review. If lab credit is granted, the Anchor Plan attribute awarded will change to Natural Science with Lab (NSL).


World Languages and Cultures

ap exam score course credit credit hours ANCHOR PLAN ATTRIBUTE
Chinese Language and Culture 5 Chin 101, Chin 102, Chin 201 9 Global Language (GL2)
Chinese Language and Culture 4 Chin 101, Chin 102 6 Global Language (GL2)
Chinese Language and Culture 3 Chin 101 3  
French Language and Culture 5 Fren 101, Fren 102, Fren 201 9 Global Language (GL2)
French Language and Culture 4 Fren 101, Fren 102 6 Global Language (GL2)
French Language and Culture 3 Fren 101 3  
German Language and Culture 5 Germ 101, Germ 102, Germ 201 9 Global Language (GL2)
German Language and Culture 4 Germ 101, Germ 102 6 Global Language (GL2)
German Language and Culture 3 Germ 101 3  
Italian Language and Culture 5 Lang 0100 9 Global Language (GL2)
Italian Language and Culture 4 Lang 0100 6 Global Language (GL2)
Italian Language and Culture 3 Lang 0100 3  
Japanese Language and Culture 5 Japn 101, Japn 102, Japn 201 9 Global Language (GL2)
Japanese Language and Culture 4 Japn 101, Japn 102 6 Global Language (GL2)
Japanese Language and Culture 3 Japn 101 3  
Latin 5 Latn 171, Latn 172, Latn 271 9 Global Language (GL2)
Latin 4 Latn 171, Latn 172 6 Global Language (GL2)
Latin 3 Latn 171 3  
spanish Language and Culture 5 Span 121, Span 122, 0200* 9 Global Language (GL2)
spanish Language and Culture 4 Span 121, Span 122* 6 Global Language (GL2)
spanish Language and Culture 3 Span 121 3  
Spanish Literature and Culture 5 Span 121, Span 122, 0200* 9 Global Language (GL2)
Spanish Literature and Culture 4 Span 121, Span 122* 6 Global Language (GL2)
Spanish Literature and Culture 3 Span 121 3  

*You cannot receive credit for more than one Spanish exam.